Blind music drawings
Blind music drawings, 2015-2021
28 drawings
Pencil and marker on paper
Each 42 x 59.7 cm
The idea behind the ‘Blind music drawing‘ session started in 2015 while Clemens was listening to music in his office.
Hollerer has been a music fanatic since his very first concert in Pittsburgh/PA, where he spent 1 year as a foreign exchange student from 1992 to 1993. His passion for music and participating in live events have led Clemens to visit hundreds of concerts and festivals around the world. At the beginning of his artistic career in 2006 he decided to use song titles to name his artworks. Depending on the conceptual approach of the individual work, Clemens Hollerer is extracting titles from his ever-growing archive of songs that accompany his life.
For the Blind music drawing session, which took place every other year from 2015 to 2021, he chose to visually translate/transfer 7 songs onto paper. The first session in 2015 was meant to be a unique experiment. His self-imposed rules were relatively easy. Closed eyes, noise cancelling headphones, 1 pencil or marker in each hand and a large format sketchbook. The intense rhythms took advantage of his mind and poured out in an unpredictable outburst of parallel movements of his arms. This intimate new experience opened up a refreshing way of comprehending the power of music. 2 years later he decided to repeat this drawing experiment with a few set rules. He wasn‘t allowed to look at the 7 drawings from the previous session and had to execute the new set rapidly. Over the years he experienced a shift in his musical preferences, but still let the experiment roll on. In 2021 the 7 chosen songs no longer inspired him and therefore he decided to end the project.
Looking back Hollerer dealt with issues such as time, memory/memory loss, transition, emotions and history.
The tableau has never been publicly exhibited.
Tide of ambition, 2021