Collectors Agenda
In 2020 Collectors Agenda stopped by Clemens Hollerer’s studio MD.21 in Bad Gleichenberg, Austria.
Check out the interview in the link below.
»To collect is an Attitude, a Voice and a Dream.«
Collectors Agenda is an international digital art platform, a printed magazine and a project space in Vienna. They create timeless, personal and informative portraits of the most exciting artists of our time and other actors in the art world for an international reader base of art enthusiasts and art professionals.
They believe in the importance of broadening the reach for art conversations, beyond the inner circles of the art scene, and extending it to other creative and open-minded people as the new generation of potential art collectors.
Collectors Agenda's team and international network of correspondents in Vienna, Berlin, London, New York and other art capitals draws on diverse backgrounds and professional qualifications in the fields of cultural management, marketing, design, publishing, blogging and journalism.
Interview by Alexandra-Maria Toth. All images © Maximilian Pramatarov for Collectors Agenda